
Current version:  2024.00.00

When installing, if you see this warning, please click “More info” and then click “Run anyway”

  • Update from 2023: If you have the 2023 version on your computer, you may download the 2024 version and begin using it, but usage will be very limited until you input the new serial number for the 2024 version. The 2024 serial number begins with “24”.  We encourage you to have your 2024 serial number before downloading the 2024 version of DivorcewareNJ.  You can download the 2024 version by clicking here. You can purchase the 2024 version by clicking here. Once purchased, you will receive your new serial number by email within an hour.
  • Update for 2024: If you have already installed a 2024 version of DivorcewareNJ, then you can download and install this free update by clicking here. You will not need to re-enter your serial number (which begins with “24”).
  • Educational version: If you have never installed DivorcewareNJ on your computer, you may download this version for free by clicking here. When it asks for a serial number, enter the special serial number that you were given in your class.
  • To purchase DivorcewareNJclick here
5812 N. Beaver Lane
Raleigh, NC 27604